A collections of videos, articles, and links, all free teacher resources for early educators.
August 24, 2015
Mathematician Keith Devlin reflects on the use of video games in the classroom in his review of Greg Toppo's The Game Believes in You: How Digital Play Can Make Our Kids Smarter.
A new study from the University of Chicago suggests that parents can easily transfer their math anxiety to their children.
At the 100Kin10 Annual Summit, held at The Museum of Science and Industry in Chicago, education experts from across the nation gathered to discuss the topic of teaching STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math).
Geocaching is an activity that uses the GPS technology on your mobile device to allow for some real-life treasure hunting. It can mathematize otherwise ordinary situations, as it allows children to interact with real-world maps.
Results from PISA suggest that the highest achievers are the students who view math as a set of large, connected concepts, while those who utilize rote memorization for math facts and procedures are the lowest-achieving.
While differences exist between math and language arts, teachers can use similar strategies in teaching both subjects. "Math time is often serious and tense. Rigor and seriousness are essential, but so are the excitement and…
This article discusses strategies for raising children to enjoy math before beginning preschool. Unfortunately many children never develop this appreciation. In fact, even at a young age, children can develop math anxiety or a belief…
In this article on Quartz, Laura Overdeck, the founder of Bedtime Math, reflects on young students' differing perceptions of math and literacy. While many young students read for fun, very few do math for fun.…
This article from NPR's ongoing education blog discusses the strength of a familiar low-tech toy: the block. Even amid a technological revolution in teaching, which is bringing tablets, apps, and smartboards into more and more…
This New York Times article discusses the growing lack of play time in pre-k development and classrooms and its implications. "As they play, children develop vital cognitive, linguistic, social and emotional skills. They make discoveries,…