A collections of videos, articles, and links, all free teacher resources for early educators.
June 30, 2014
A new study from the Department of Education and the National Institutes of Health finds that many teachers are not using the most effective strategies for their students. Tailoring teaching strategies to individual student needs…
What "early math" really means is explored in this Q&A with Deborah J. Stipek, Professor of Education at Stanford University and Dean of the Stanford Graduate School of Education.
In this hour-long webinar, the Big Ideas of number sense are explored. This leads to a discussion about real-world change in the classroom, resulting in better understanding amongst teachers and more in-depth math comprehension amongst…
Where can educators and parents go to learn more about smart choices in choosing math apps and math-related technology for young children? Here is a round-up of resources that can help think through the options.
Education reform is a minefield. It was true for previous education reform movements, and it certainly is true when it comes to the Common Core State Standards. Rather than enter into the subject with a…
This new study helps support the belief that when children explain math thinking and how they come to a solution, it can enhance their ability to understand basic cause and effect relationships.
Charles Payne, Frank P. Hixon Distinguished Service Professor in the School of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago, makes points about the positive and negative traits of early learning administration in public school…
Collaborative Instructor Dr. Mary Hynes-Berry discusses math apps on the Fred Rogers Center blog.
"At Kohl Children’s Museum, we partner with a great team of early childhood researchers, professional development providers and teachers at Erikson Institute’s Early Math Collaborative. One of the methods they promote is Mathematizing Daily Experiences.…
Are the "Math Wars" back like a bad movie sequel? Why does the debate continue, sometimes vehemently, even when most people agree that quality math education must focus on both skills and conceptual understanding?