Ideas for using math-related books for creative early math curriculum.
August 8, 2024
Mary Hynes-Berry, a founding member of Erikson’s Early Math Collaborative, donated hundreds of thoughtfully curated math-inspired picture books to the Edward Neisser Library at Erikson Institute. You can find an inventory of the complete collection…
To encourage and develop children’s counting knowledge, here are eight books (with an accompanying download) that are common to preschool classrooms.
How is it possible to have too many tamales? Well, Maria finds out in the holiday storybook Too Many Tamales by author Gary Soto.
Long before young children are writing equations with the equal sign, they are exploring how amounts that look different can actually be equivalent.
The holiday season usually brings with it any number of family dinners and communal feasts. For young children, this is a great time to engage in math.
Here are some refreshing books about water and ocean fun that inspire mathematical thinking for summer months. Dive right in!
Children need experiences and practice counting in different, flexible ways while learning the rules of counting. These books and the right questions can help.
Two books that are common in homes and classrooms are great jumping off spots for exploring important concepts of measurement.
Many classrooms are planning year-end picnics, so it’s the perfect time to read We’re Going on a Picnic! by the beloved author Pat Hutchins.
This delightful book emphasizes several Big Ideas in geometry, as well it provides an opportunity to explore diverse cultures and people.