In the playful book Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney, an introduction for children to maps and geography can be fun and engaging. A little girl shows us a map of her room, and then her room on a map of her house, and then after that her house on a map of her street... and finally getting to her own country on a map of the world. This familiarizes young children with different types of maps and opens their eyes to how they can be varied and diverse. It is a great entry point for exploring maps in their own world.
October 25, 2016
A great way for kids to explore spatial relationships is to read books that call for them to think about where objects are in relation to something else.
From recognizing octagonal stop signs to remembering where the cookies are stored, children encounter geometry early and often. There are plenty of children's books that kids love to further pique their interest. We've listed a…
Me on the Map by Joan Sweeney and Where Do I Live? by Neil Chesanow are two books that give children a way to explore where they are in relationship to other things and places.