Series: Hear from the Experts
Instructional Tools to Integrate Language and Math Concepts with Halla Jmourko
Halla Jmourko, ESOL Instructional Coach for Prince George’s County Public Schools, MD and Instructor at the University of Maryland, discusses two innovative instructional tools for integrating language and math concepts in the classroom. The Cubing Game supports students to use different language structures to speak, draw, and write about a mathematical idea from different perspectives. Three Way Tie is a tool that provides visual support and promotes making connections between mathematical concepts. Both of these tools promote language development while maintaining academic rigor in mathematics.
The Early Math Collaborative, supported by the CME Group Foundation and the Heising-Simons Foundation, held their first biennial conference in 2017 called Promising Math. A conference linking research and practice, the event brought experts from around the United States to discuss the understanding, teaching, and learning of mathematics for children between birth and eight years. The focus for 2017: Fostering access to mathematics for children who are English Language Learners (ELLs).