December 3, 2019
A second-grader works on basic number combinations as we see him playing a comparison card game, Capture It. He is accurate when comparing sums but is still developing his efficiency and flexibility, key indications of fluency.
There are all kinds of things to count in pre-k to second grade classrooms. Counting Collections is an activity that develops the Big Ideas of number sense and counting, such as cardinality, one-to-one correspondence, and…
Families play a fundamental role in shaping children's interest and skills in math. Schools can help connect the math that exists both in and out of school and nurture families' positive relationship to math.
A tangram puzzle consists of seven pieces — five triangles and two quadrilaterals made from one square. Tangrams originated in China hundreds of years ago. They traveled to Europe in the 1800’s, where they gained…
A second grader has a partial understanding of counting in equal groups, but is still working on rational counting. Focus on the Child videos are taken from one-on-one interviews with individual children. The interviews are…
This second grader uses a known number combination (3 + 9) to solve a subtraction problem, showing an understanding of how addition and subtraction are related as inverse operations.
A panel of early math experts engage with the audience at Promising Math 2017 to consider the challenges of getting a true picture of what young children understand about numbers.
How is it possible to have too many tamales? Well, Maria finds out in the holiday storybook Too Many Tamales by author Gary Soto.
A new book released in August 2018 from the Collaborative examines the connections and questions that arise from discussing math experiences in early childhood settings and the research into children's mathematical learning.
Along with being "mathical" award winners, these books provide compelling contexts that help primary grade children understand why more advanced counting is useful and that it isn’t always efficient to count by ones.