The Early Math Collaborative provides education teacher training and research.
July 26, 2022
Early childhood center leaders play a crucial role in improving and sustaining program quality. New research supports the idea that involving center leaders in PD initiatives is a way to produce lasting systemic change. Research…
Released in 2021 by Teachers College Press, this book extends professional knowledge for mathematics teaching to teachers who work with the very youngest learners.
An ongoing professional development program with Denver Great Kids Head Start (DGKHS) shows the power of a multi-year partnership to build sustainable growth in math achievement for young children.
Books, games, and routines are a natural entry point for math fun in the early years. A new book tells how to tap into children's curiosity to explore the math that is found in everyday…
Everyone knows it’s better to teach someone how to fish than to hand out fish. In terms of professional development, this philosophy means empowering classroom teachers to grow their own practice by facilitating the learning…
A new book released in August 2018 from the Collaborative examines the connections and questions that arise from discussing math experiences in early childhood settings and the research into children's mathematical learning.
We call 10 a "friendly" number, a landmark, a benchmark. Whatever you call it, 10 is really big in early math, and it's really big to the Collaborative.
The five founding members of the Collaborative reflect on the past ten years of learning and maintaining a rich collaborative spirit.
I’m writing today to say thank you. Because of you, the Early Math Collaborative has been around for 10 years now.
Project working with ages 0-3 in Chicago expands, helping us learn more about earliest foundations of math learning.