Math-related resources and free stuff for teachers.
September 17, 2013
Jie-Qi Chen and Jennifer McCray review answers they received from a survey administered to early education teachers. The survey prompted the teachers to imagine that they were giving advice to a new teacher, "Tina," who had some questions about parts of the curriculum.
Geometry and measurement are often difficult topics for young math students. Doug Clements argues that part of this problem stems from classroom materials that are inexact and misleading. "At its fundamental base, mathematics is about…
Finland's educational system is regularly ranked among the best in the world. Surprisingly, Finnish children are not required to go to start attending school until they are seven years old. Kristiina Kumpulainen explains the specifics…
Yeap Ban Har explains the unique problem of kindergarten education in Singapore.
Lyn English explains an exploratory method of teaching math. "The children's learning was extended beyond the curriculum because they discovered a lot of the mathematical ideas themselves."
Joanne Mulligan questions the efficacy of new electronic educational devices.
In Singapore, kindergarten is not mandatory. Yeap Ban Har explains how first- and second-grade teachers in Singapore compensate for the inevitable gap in the math and reading skills of their students.
Doug Clements compares the mathematical competency of students from low- and high-income families in the United States and China. "Children from low-income backgrounds don't only enter school with far less mathematical knowledge, but that gap…
A kindergarten student organizes shape blocks by the various shapes of their faces.
Was math the one subject that simply didn’t add up for you in school? Plenty of students struggle with mastering mathematics, but a new program is finding that starting early with a different approach can…