Many topics for young children can be a great opportunity to explore the math in interests they have. Animals is a popular one, full of many options. When introducing math animal games and books can be a natural entry point for the early years.
February 15, 2013
Wanda Ocasio of Inter-American School saw the opportunity to use a Three Bears sorting lesson to investigate her preschoolers’ understanding of sorting, as well as explore this Big Idea in the context of a multilingual environment.
There are any number of wonderful books that give children very concrete images to show how big creatures are and to make comparisons to their own size.
There’s nothing like a stack of attractive counting books to help young children explore number. However, it’s worth taking the time to analyze exactly how the numbers in the book are put to work, so…
Daniela Giralt at Gunsaulus Elementary, a 2010-11 Early Math participant, used the book Dog’s Colorful Day by Emma Dodd to help her preschoolers explore the Big Ideas of counting. First in the whole group, children…