Many topics for young children can be a great opportunity to explore the math in interests they have. Animals is a popular one, full of many options. When introducing math animal games and books can be a natural entry point for the early years.
April 16, 2013
The Growing Story and Three Feet Small are two wonderful picture books that address a “math all around us" concept: growing taller.
A child plays "hide-and-seek" with a group of bears to determine how many are missing from a larger group.
A child explains how he organizes a group of bears.
A story about bears moving in and out of a cave provides an opportunity for math thinking.
The award winning classic children’s story Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina is one that preschoolers love to act out. Using discussion to make some connections to the children’s own lives, and to math, can…
A child computes how many are missing from a larger group.
How many preschoolers long is a Tyrannosaurus Rex? Students in this video measure to find the answer. Fun maths games for kids can help bring out math concepts.
Olivia Trevino’s preschool class at Marsh Elementary School took advantage of all the winter weather to explore picture books about mittens. The Mitten by Jim Aylesworth and The Mitten by Alvin Tresselt are two delightful…
A student gives and receives orders about where to put a stuffed animal.
In this video, a preschool-age English Language Learner uses direction words to tell a story about finding a lost teddy bear.