This series of book ideas encourage using stories to infuse the early years with mathematical learning. From the infant years until they are putting together more advanced numeracy concepts in elementary school, books can be a gateway for early math discussions.
Below find all the resources we have placed in our series titled BOOK IDEAS.
October 13, 2015
Have some Halloween fun with the witch’s tale Room on the Broom. In this lively story by Julia Donaldson and Axel Scheffler, a witch makes room for her animal friends to ride on her broomstick… until there’s one too many animals, and the broom snaps in two. The central question of this book – Is there room on the broom for me? – is a mathematical one.
One of the most classic images of the Halloween season is a witch's magic pot or cauldron. Singing about witches' brew and reading tales of magical pots can also be a great way to introduce…
From recognizing octagonal stop signs to remembering where the cookies are stored, children encounter geometry early and often. There are plenty of children's books that kids love to further pique their interest. We've listed a…
Children measure all of the time, even if they're not using rulers or numbers while doing so. There are many great children's books about measurement that spur on children's natural fascination with the subject.
The Biggest Pumpkin Ever by Steven Kroll and A Pig is Big by Douglas Florian are two children's story books that present opportunities for children to explore the mathematical concept of measurement, particularly the Big…
Children like big numbers! Often before they can say all the numbers from one to one hundred reliably, children understand that one hundred is a lot. They quickly learn that one thousand is even more…
The Growing Story and Three Feet Small are two wonderful picture books that address a “math all around us" concept: growing taller.
The award winning classic children’s story Caps for Sale by Esphyr Slobodkina is one that preschoolers love to act out. Using discussion to make some connections to the children’s own lives, and to math, can…
Tana Hoban and Ann Morris are both gifted children’s book authors who combine minimal text with wonderful photos that beg to be pored over again and again. Many of them are organized around ideas that…
Melinda Chum is one of many teachers who have found great ways to do math with Donald Crews’ wonderful picture book 10 Black Dots. Children love going through the pages, exploring how 2 black dots…