May 13, 2015
Geocaching is an activity that uses the GPS technology on your mobile device to allow for some real-life treasure hunting. It can mathematize otherwise ordinary situations, as it allows children to interact with real-world maps.
Results from PISA suggest that the highest achievers are the students who view math as a set of large, connected concepts, while those who utilize rote memorization for math facts and procedures are the lowest-achieving.
While differences exist between math and language arts, teachers can use similar strategies in teaching both subjects. "Math time is often serious and tense. Rigor and seriousness are essential, but so are the excitement and…
"Math skills are increasingly important for getting good jobs these days—so believing you can’t learn math is especially self-destructive. We also believe that math is the area where America’s 'fallacy of inborn ability' is the…
From recognizing octagonal stop signs to remembering where the cookies are stored, children encounter geometry early and often. There are plenty of children's books that kids love to further pique their interest. We've listed a…
"I was taught algorithms in school," says coach Liz Avila. "There wasn't much thought that went into the math that I did." The Innovations project aims to alter this "plug-and-chug" method of problem solving, through…
In this article on Quartz, Laura Overdeck, the founder of Bedtime Math, reflects on young students' differing perceptions of math and literacy. While many young students read for fun, very few do math for fun.…
This video from Education Week describes how to teach fractions using a different approach than the current norm.
Children measure all of the time, even if they're not using rulers or numbers while doing so. There are many great children's books about measurement that spur on children's natural fascination with the subject.
A recent study shows that children's early math experiences may impact their future decisions regarding educational and career paths. In particular, preconceived expectations about girls' math performance may deter them pursuing jobs in math and…