Ideas and activities for teaching children before they reach preschool age.
July 19, 2022
“More” is often one of children’s first words. Infants attend to differences, though they don’t yet discriminate between "more" as quantity or magnitude/size or intensity of sensation. Toddlers are beginning to differentiate between attributes and…
We all know that babies aren’t born walking, talking, following directions, counting, or measuring size. But they do enter the world hard-wired with instincts that will mature and develop into those skills in the preschool…
Released in 2021 by Teachers College Press, this book extends professional knowledge for mathematics teaching to teachers who work with the very youngest learners.
Long before they can talk or explain, babies are thinking logically and exploring ordinary everyday objects, sensations, and experiences that are new to them. Encouraging and celebrating their explorations and discoveries is a highly effective…
The Collaborative interviewed three Chicago-area early childhood teachers who spoke honestly about the challenges and rewards of teaching during the pandemic.
Books are great for babies. Research clearly supports this. What are the best books for babies? We use our Precursor Concepts as a framework for discussing math thinking during the ages of 0-3.
With young children at home, there’s always cleaning to be done. So why not include them in completing the chores? Chores can engage everyone in the household in a little “math all around us” problem-solving.
Stamping or imprinting with a homemade playdough recipe using everyday household items is an active way for children to explore the big ideas of shape.
It’s up to us to find, share, and talk about a variety of shapes with children in ways that expand their understanding and build connections between the shapes drawn on paper and the concrete objects…
Families play a fundamental role in shaping children's interest and skills in math. Schools can help connect the math that exists both in and out of school and nurture families' positive relationship to math.