Math-related resources and free stuff for teachers.
September 25, 2018
This game played with a hula hoop and bean bags demonstrates all the math that can be explored with a simple tossing game. Each round gives children practice seeing and naming smaller parts of a total number in a variety of ways.
Transition time is a great time for mathematizing a daily routine. This dot card transition is a relatively simple routine that builds number sense in a concrete way, allowing them to subitize.
Halla Jmourko discusses two innovative instructional tools for integrating language and math concepts in the classroom, The Cubing Game and Three Way Tie.
Creating grid games from classroom materials can be a great opportunity for fun and mathematical discussions involving small sets.
Grid games can be some of the earliest experiences children have with board games. And they can be both fun and mathematical.
Before true mathematical thought develops in childhood, babies explore precursor concepts that can be nurtured, including during reading time.
This charming interaction between caregiver and a toddler reveals a number of very early or "precursor" concepts of math.
A moment between adult and toddler using balls and tubes can be a nice opportunity to explore important "precursor" concepts of math.
Instructor Lisa Ginet explains how to make tangram puzzles, an ancient Chinese game made from seven shapes cut from a square. Over 6500 different arrangements can be made from these seven simple shapes!
This simple interaction between caregiver and toddler is a demonstration of very early mathematical concepts, or "precursor concepts."