Serie: Hear from the Experts

Lo que los profesores saben de matemáticas con Jennifer McCray y Jie-Qi Chen

Lo que los profesores saben de matemáticas con Jennifer McCray y Jie-Qi Chen

Jie-Qi Chen and Jennifer McCray review answers they received from a survey administered to early education teachers. The survey prompted the teachers to imagine that they were giving advice to a new teacher, “Tina,” who had some questions about parts of the curriculum.

Dr. Jie-Qi Chen is the Principal Investigator of the Early Math Collaborative and a professor of child development at Erikson Institute. She is also the director of Erikson’s Ph.D. in Child Development doctoral program. Chen’s work focuses on cognitive development, teacher professional development, classroom assessment, early mathematics education, the application of multiple intelligences theory, and school-based intervention.

Jennifer McCray earned both her master’s and doctorate degrees at Erikson Institute. A former preschool teacher, she has taught pre- and in-service preschool and elementary teachers for the past eight years. In addition to directing the Early Math Collaborative, Jennifer conducts research on preschool teaching and learning. Her dissertation, which focused on preschool teachers’ understanding of mathematics, recently won two national awards.

La Early Math Collaborative, con el apoyo de la Fundación Robert R. McCormick, celebró simposios internacionales en 2009 y 2010. Los dos eventos reunieron a expertos de todo el mundo para compartir enfoques de la educación matemática temprana con profesores, administradores, responsables políticos y otros profesionales de la educación. El objetivo era generar ideas y recomendaciones informadas a nivel mundial para mejorar la enseñanza de las matemáticas en las aulas de la primera infancia. En los debates y las sesiones plenarias, los participantes intercambiaron ideas, identificaron problemas y recomendaron acciones.