Series: Focus on Play

Creatures at Home Activity

Creatures at Home Activity
activity children's books in spanish and english
children's books in spanish english

Creatures at Home Directions

In both English and Spanish, the directions here outline how to do an activity at home that can allow families to share in the learning about sets and sorting taking place in classrooms, all tied to the book Five Creatures and aligned with our Big Ideas of math. Children’s books in Spanish or English can be creative springboards for mathematical discovery in the home setting.


children's books in spanish english

Creatures Who Live in Our Homes Class Book

In both English and Spanish, these two book page templates go together to guide parents as they create sorts based on similarities and differences of the members of the family.

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children's books in spanish english

Creatures at Home Video

In this example video, using children’s books in Spanish or English like the book Five Creatures can act as a springboard for discussing sets and sorting at home.

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