Presentations associated with
National Association for the Education of Young Children Professional Development Institute
McCray, J.,
Chen, J-Q.
(2018, June). Creating research-to-practice conversations in early math: A case study of an innovative book writing process. Presentation at the NAEYC Professional Learning Institute.
Ginet, L.
(2018) ACCESS to Shared Knowledge: Teachers as learners—Making math meaningful. Presentation at the NAEYC Professional Learning Institute.
Hynes-Berry, M.,
Chen, J-Q.
Abel, B. (2017). Infants, toddlers, and twos are mathematicians: How innate precursor mathematical concepts prepare the ground for the conceptual change required for understanding big ideas of math. Presentation at the NAEYC Professional Learning Institute.
Hynes-Berry, M.,
Chen, J-Q.
& Abel, B. (2016, June). Building the joy of math all around me from the ground up. Paper presented at the annual conference of the Professional Development Institute of National Association for the Education of Young Children. Baltimore, MD.
Chen, J-Q.,
McCray, J.
(2014, June). Early math education: Separating myth from reality. Presentation at the annual meeting of the National Association for the Education of Young Children Professional Development Institute, Minneapolis, MN.
Ginet, L.,
McCray, J.