As set out by the National Governors Association (NGA) and the Council of Chief State School Officers (CCSSO) in the Common Core State Standards Initiative. For more information, please visit the Geometry domain at the Common Core State Standards website.
February 25, 2016
This third grade teacher leads a gallery walk with her students with the purpose of having children explain their thinking with peers.
This link jumps into books that give children a chance to explore spatial reasoning. Over and under, going that direction or going the other direction, mapping, perspective.
Geocaching is an activity that uses the GPS technology on your mobile device to allow for some real-life treasure hunting. It can mathematize otherwise ordinary situations, as it allows children to interact with real-world maps.
From recognizing octagonal stop signs to remembering where the cookies are stored, children encounter geometry early and often. There are plenty of children's books that kids love to further pique their interest. We've listed a…
A preschool student puts together shape blocks to make larger, more complicated shapes from memory. In doing so, she makes connections between the various configurations she is constructing.
This article from NPR's ongoing education blog discusses the strength of a familiar low-tech toy: the block. Even amid a technological revolution in teaching, which is bringing tablets, apps, and smartboards into more and more…
This pre-k English Language Learner uses gesture to articulate math ideas while putting together a shape puzzle.
In this video, students explore spatial relationships by describing and traversing an obstacle course, then making a map of it.
Jan de Lange walks through a few educational math games available online. With degrees of difficulty bridging from Pre-K through 8th grade, these games extend the idea of learning trajectories.
Oksana Igrakova describes some of the broad mathematical connections a teacher could create with the Russian folk story "The Giant Turnip."